About Us

Bryant Davis

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I’m currently studying Javascript, Java and Python at Code Fellows. One of my greatest strengths is my ability to learn and adapt in fast paced environments and I’m interested in securing an entry-level role at a n app development company because with my experience using applications in my every day life I want to contribute to the creation of them.

Melissa Galush

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My background is in the health and legal fields. A large part of my decision to go into this field is to find a way to make an impact in the world at a larger scale than I could make individually. I am very passionate about mental health and have big dreams of finding ways to use technology to improve the mental health of society as a whole. I would love to grow and cultivate my skills within a small start up, as I have experience with several start ups and really enjoyed the personal aspects found in that type of environment.

Marlene Rinker

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Before coming to Code Fellows, I was an instructional designer for a sales tax software company. I’ve been interested in becoming a developer for a long time and decided to go for it after I learned about Code Fellows from some developers I worked with. I’ve got experience in technical writing, instructional design, QA, and accounting that actually helps me be a good developer. I’m learning to be a full stack JavaScript developer, with plans to do front-end development. But, who knows, those plans may change when I learn more about the back end.

Dave Wolfe

GitHub | LinkedIn

My core skillsets are HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Communications. My background in sales and customer service make me an ideal candidate for working directly with clients to understand their needs and wants. I’m extremely passionate about advocating for LGBTQ and other marginalized people, so I’m looking for an entry level position at a non-profit where I can use my skills to help people in need.